How do I stay safe with all the sharp tools about?

Edge tools are dangerous if used carelessly or incorrectly. If you have not done much carving before then attend one or more of the beginners workshops on Friday of Spoonfest. This will introduce you to safe ways to use the tools.

Please be aware that under 18 year olds must have an adult responsible for their safety at all times whilst carving. 15s and over can attend any workshop as long as their responsible adult does as well. Under 15s can only attend special workshops for their age group, at which the accompanying adult will learn techniques to support the childs learning.

  • Use safe knife cuts and axe holds.
  • Maintain a safe distance – be aware of others around you.
  • Don’t walk around with tools unsheathed.
  • Store tools safely when not in use.
  • Always carve when fully alert and focussed on the job.
  • Do not carve after any alcohol.
  • Take breaks often –  walk around and stretch.
  • In the evenings we plan to down tools at 7pm and put tools safely away before the bar opens.

First aiders?

We have a designated first aider on site who will be contactable via a volunteer with a walkie-talkie. We will point out where they will be positioned during the opening talks on the first night.

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